Saving lives - On the beach - In the water - Since 1960
Bantham Surf Life Saving Club is committed to providing a safe beach and aquatic environment for the community, whilst developing lifesaving skills through educating and training our members.
The club provides lifesaving training to all our members and we work closely with the RNLI at Bantham. We run a Lifeguard training program for our committed volunteers, alongside lifesaving training for our Seniors (18+ yrs), Youth (13-17) and Nippers (7-12).
Bantham SLSC can only continue its important water safety training with the help of willing and enthusiastic volunteers. Volunteers are essential for teaching our young members vital lifesaving skills. Click here to find out how you can get involved with your local community club.
Main club contact: [email protected] Secretary - Amy Edmonds 07870375437